Earth School?

It is likely that you have come across this idea that Earth is like a school: You have to learn a lesson, and then once you have learnt it, you get to move on to the next level and the next lesson.

Granted, looking at it from a human perspective, it can certainly feel that way! I have wondered on several occasions just how much character a single human being actually needs?

But what if …

What if we change perspective? What if we are actually a consciousness of pure love that is currently experiencing Life through a physical human body? What if we already are all we can be? What if all that happened is that it was part of the game to forget who we truly are? What if they aren’t lessons, but opportunities to remember?

Just let that one sink in for a little and sit with it. Notice how, all of a sudden, a pressure you probably weren’t even aware of, suddenly lifts. You no longer have to prove your worth by trying to live up to some perceived expectations. Notice how you are enough; how you are, in fact, more than enough just by being who you are. - Anything you choose to do from that place of beingness is a bonus.

Notice that you are not only utterly loveable, but utterly loved, and that you can be utterly loving.

Notice that the parts of you that you were wanting to disown because you felt that they were somehow flawed or unacceptable are merely parts that misunderstood the situation or that you misunderstood. Notice that when you hold them and love them and allow them to tell their story they have wisdom to share.

Notice that you have always done the best you could with the tools you had at the time, and sometimes they were very unsuited tools; but that that is your story and does not define in any way who you are. YOU are still the same pure love consciousness trying to navigate a challenging and crazy and bewildering world.

So be gentle on yourself. Accept all of who you are. And you will notice that you are a pure light being having a play on Planet Earth, and that your being here is important and makes a huge difference to many people in more ways than you can ever know.

Thank you.

Annika JendeComment