Portal Quiz

Read the questions and pick the answer that most closely resembles what is true for your at present. There is no right or wrong. This is NOT a medical diagnostic test, and is only meant to give you feedback on your present circumstances.

What describes most closely how you feel about food?
What are your thoughts when you look at your body in the mirror?
How often do you exercise?
What do you do when you feel tired?
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
What do mostly you do with your leisure time?
How often do you laugh?
How do you feel when you are alone?
How well is your body?
I will finally be happy when...
Why do you exercise?
How often do you let yourself be guided by your intuition?
How frequently do you feel grateful?
How do you react when you have lost something precious?
How do you feel about what you do for a living? This includes being a stay-at-home parent or home maker and other unpaid work.
What do you do when you feel sick?
What do you mostly do when you get triggered?
What happens when you feel caught out?
Do you feel you are living your soul’s purpose?
When you are in an argument or debate, do you:
How much time do you give yourself in a 24 hour period to sleep?