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IriS’ second
inspirational book
is now available!

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 Your Body
is the Portal
to Your Soul


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You're in the right place if you :

∞    Need a new way to approach old problems

∞    Feel uncomfortable in your own company

∞    Feel like you just don’t fit in

∞    Feel disempowered as a woman

∞    Are searching for a new way to connect with your spiritual self

∞    Are searching for a new way to ground yourself

∞    Have a nagging feeling that there is supposed to be something else or different or more to life than what you are currently experiencing

∞    Are despairing at the state of the world and wish you could find a way to make a difference, be part of the solution

∞    Are wondering what it is that makes you unique to the world, and how you might be able to express this uniqueness in a way that aligns with you

∞    Feel like your world is many shades of beige – lacking passion and purpose and aliveness and meaning in your life

∞    Feel like you are in limbo, treading water, in a holding pattern, unfulfilled or getting further away from your heart’s desire

If this is YOU, read on ..


And, how can I help, you ask?

If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, I have walked this path, too. I have spent the better part of 25 years searching for – and finding! – ways to connect with my heart, my soul purpose and my tribe.

I had so much to say about the subject matter that I even wrote a book about it! [find out more]

The truth is: YOU matter. YOU have a unique, precious gift. YOU make a difference in the world. And when you find your heart’s desire, its true North, you will be able to be the most magnificent version of you both when things are flowing along sweetly and when the going gets tough.

In connecting with me, you will be getting tools, strategies and support that will allow you to step into the next most glorious version of you.

While it may be simple, it will not always be easy.

In fact, it will probably be very challenging at times. They are called “growing pains”. But it will always be authentic and meaningful and worthwhile.

I look forward to connecting with you!


 Book your free
30min Discovery Session

let’s boil the kettle and sit down for a chat

You’ll have me all to yourself for half an hour to see if we are a fit, to discover whether what I have to offer matches your needs and desires.


: : :  LET'S WORK TOGETHER  : : :



available in-person or over skype

The single most powerful way of connecting with me is through an in-person session.  Geared towards creating lasting and sustainable change in your life.


available in-person or over skype

Optimise the energy of a group environment to create ripples of healing for all.  Held around a central theme for the group session, this can be a very powerful experience!



Jam-packed full of insights and tools for you to discover your own depth, passion and purpose.  Passion to Thrive is an adventure into self-discovery you won't ever forget.


Free Meditations

In my book - PASSION TO THRIVE - I describe different archetypes that each has a particular way of being in the world and  wisdom to offer. I have created a series of companion meditations so you can become familiar with the energies of these archetypes and be able to draw on them when you need to. Chances are, if you are stuck in some way in life, you need to draw on a different archetype from which you have tuned in to so far. Play and have fun with it!



Each card was created with the energy of the affirmation, so you can use them to tune in to that energy also, in meditation or otherwise. Or just brighten up your own day by looking at them!
